Screening Smarter: How to Protect Yourself from Common Cancers

Screening Smarter: How to Protect Yourself from Common Cancers
The Future of Medicine Podcast
Screening Smarter: How to Protect Yourself from Common Cancers

Nov 09 2023 | 00:30:12

Episode 68 November 09, 2023 00:30:12

Show Notes

  The Future of Medicine Podcast, where we believe in promoting overall health and prevention over just treating sickness. Join us for the latest in medical advancements and expert advice. Subscribe and explore: We discuss a lot of cutting-edge topics on the Future of Medicine podcast. Maybe one day we’ll discuss a cure for cancer, but until then, I want to talk about the excellent and widely available screenings available right now for some of the most common cancers. Unfortunately, not everyone takes advantage of these early detection methods. Though many of us say it’s due to busyness, in reality, fear is a driving factor. You don’t know what you don’t know, and it can seem better to remain in the dark. However, my colleague Jen Justus and I want to bring to light the life-saving importance of regular cancer screenings.  

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