3 Simple Diet Habits to Prioritize for Health and Longevity

3 Simple Diet Habits to Prioritize for Health and Longevity
The Future of Medicine Podcast
3 Simple Diet Habits to Prioritize for Health and Longevity

Feb 26 2024 | 00:32:00

Episode 71 February 26, 2024 00:32:00

Show Notes

The Future of Medicine Podcast, where we believe in promoting overall health and prevention over just treating sickness. Join us for the latest in medical advancements and expert advice.

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As a concierge doctor, I’m committed to helping my patients live their longest, healthiest lives. What that comes down to is taking every action possible to delay chronic disease, especially metabolic disease.

Why metabolic disease? Simple. This one disease leads to many of the top killers of humans today, such as heart disease, cancer, and dementia.

To prevent these chronic diseases, we need to take control of our metabolic health. One of the most important ways to do that is through our dietary habits.

Don’t worry; I’m not here to prescribe some new restrictive meal plan that takes all the joy out of life. Instead, I want to share three simple dietary habits you can implement this year to improve your metabolic health and keep chronic illness at bay.

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